Closing Date: Tuesday 22nd of March 2022
Organization AfriSam
Employment Type Learnership
Province North West
Town/City Dudfield Factory, North West
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Under the guidance of Maintenance Team Leaders the incumbents will be placed on a training pragramme to qualify in an artisan trade. A learnarship agreement, on a fixed term basis will be entered into, between the Company and the selected candidates. The agreement will also be registered with the MQA.

We have opportunities for Learnerships in the fallowing trades:

  • Fitters
  • Electricians
  • Boilermakers
  • Millwrights

The development plan for Learnerships entails the following:

  • Off-the-job training at an identified Technical Training Centre
  • On-the-job training to ensure that learners are exposed to electrical equipment and maintenance practice.


Applicants in possession of the following are invited to apply:

  • N2 Certificate including four relevant subjects of maths, engineering science and a fourth subject as required by the trade;
  • or Technical trade theory programs quality assured by a SETA deemed to be equivalent to NQF level 3 ;
  • or Relevant Engineering NCV Certificates with seven subjects at NQF level 3
  • or Relevant (directly related to the trade theory subjects) N6 certificate or National Technical Diploma (T S or N stream)

The selection process will include assessments to establish the technical aptitude of the applicants. Upon conclusion of the assessments applicants will be selected and informed of interviews to be conducted.


How to Apply

To apply, Please forward your application and résumé to: and use 18.2 Learnership as reference in your email.

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Useful Links

How to apply for a learnership or an internship | Watch Video

AfriSam: Learnerships for 2022

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