Course: Bachelor of Education: Foundation Phase (Grades R-3)

Bachelors of education in the Foundation Phase it will provide the students( prospective teachers) with knowledge of the subject areas required: literacy (home language and additional language(s), numeracy and life skills, as well as the required skills needed to integrate these across the Foundation Phase schooling system. The programme emphasises handson classroom competencies and the creative design of teaching. This qualification promotes increased understanding of literacy and numeracy development, the instructional practices within classrooms, teacher preparation, and resources required for effective teacher education programmes in the languages of teaching and learning. There is a strong emphasis on the preparation of student teachers for multilingual classroom contexts. Students engage with relevant teaching methodologies, related theory and application during periods of school-based observation and practice

Requirements: • Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met. • English (home language or first additional language) AND Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least a level 4 (50 – 59%). • Mathematics 4 (50 – 59%) or Mathematical Literacy 5 (60 – 69%).
Job Opportunities: Foundation phase teacher – Grades R – 3 (previously called a junior primary teacher).

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Bachelor of Education: Foundation Phase (Grades R-3)

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