Course: Bachelor of Education: Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6)

Bachelors of Education in the Intermediate Phase provides prospective teachers with the required knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance teaching and learning in all the Intermediate Phase subjects (Languages, Mathematics, Natural Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Life Skills, Arts & Culture, Economics and Management Sciences), as well as practical and professional preparation in the relevant methodologies, bachelors in the NSC qualification is required

Requirements: • Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met. • English (home language or first additional language) AND Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least a level 4 (50 – 59%). • Mathematics 4 (50 – 59%) or Mathematical Literacy 5 (60 – 69%). • The faculty may call candidates for admission interviews before final acceptance into the programme.
Job Opportunities: Intermediate phase teacher – Grades 4 – 6 (previously called a senior primary teacher).

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How to apply for a learnership or an internship | Watch Video

Bachelor of Education: Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6)

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