Course: Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Nursing prepares students to meet the unique needs of individual patients, families and communities as a professional nurse and midwife. Practical work is an integral part of this programme The programme comprises lectures on campus and clinical practicals in nearby general, maternity and psychiatric hospitals, and in community health fields. Practical placements are arranged for students by the Department of Nursing Sciences. This is supplemented by clinical teaching in a clinical simulated laboratory and in actual patient situations, bachelor in the NSC qualification is required with relevant science subjects

Requirements: • Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met. • English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least a level 3 (40–49%). • Mathematics 3 (40-49%) or Mathematical Literacy 4 (50-59%). • Life Sciences 3 (40-49%) • Physical Sciences 3 (40-49%) • Students must be registered as student nurses with the South African Nursing Council.• Students must submit a satisfactory medical report, on the prescribed form, before registration. • All students must annually provide proof of professional indemnity insurance, before registration can be finalised.
Job Opportunities: Professional nurses may work in private or public hospitals, comprehensive health care clinics, communities, or in private practice South African registered nurses are not only in demand in this country, but are also sought after internationally

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How to apply for a learnership or an internship | Watch Video

Bachelor of Nursing

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