Course: Diploma (Polymer Technology)

Diploma in Polymer technology can be described in brief as the manufacture, processing, analysis and application of long chain molecules. Materials that are typically classified as polymers include: plastics, paints, rubber, foams, adhesives, sealants, varnishes etc. The programme includes in depth training in chemistry, and engineering and manufacturing practices related to the field. And a Diploma in NSC is required  for admission.

Requirements: • Minimum NSC requirements for diploma entry must be met. • English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least a level 3 (40–49%). • Mathematics 4 (50-59%) • Physical Sciences 4 (50-59%)
Job Opportunities: Employment opportunities exist in the motor manufacturing and related supply and service industries, such as paint, tyre and plastic-component industries

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Diploma (Polymer Technology)

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