Closing Date: Friday 26th of May 2023
Organization DSI-Human Sciences Research Council
Employment Type Internship
Province Gauteng
Town/City Pretoria
Salary/Stipend R6758 p/m
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The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) invites unemployed graduates to apply for Internship Programme 2023.

Internship Application

The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) is responsible for the management of the DSI-HSRC Internship Programme on behalf of the Department of Science and Innovation.

The Internship Programme provides unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), Research, Development, Innovation, Social Sciences and Humanities graduates and postgraduates (excluding Post-doctoral candidates) an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and exposure in an environment, relevant to their qualification.

Placement will be available in public and private higher education institutions, science councils, research agencies, private sector, non-profit organisations and in relevant industries.

Candidates with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply. Reasonable disability support may be provided on request from the Intern or the institution.


To be eligible, interns MUST meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Be a South African citizen or South African Permanent Resident (with a valid South African Identity Document).
  • Non-South Africans are not eligible to apply;
  • Should be currently unemployed and 35 years of age or younger at the time of appointment to the internship programme;
  • A graduate holding any of the following:
  • NQF Level 7: Bachelor’s, Advanced Diploma, or B-Tech Degree; o NQF Level 8: Bachelor’s Hons Degree, and Postgraduate Diploma; o NQF Level 9: Master’s Degree or M-Tech.
  • Hold a qualification in Science, Engineering and Technology, Research, Development, Innovation, Social Sciences and Humanities or related disciplines and SHOULD HAVE COMPLETED THEIR STUDY at the time of submitting the application. See list of areas of specialisations/disciplines available across all provinces below.

The following applies to candidates who are NOT ELIGIBLE to be appointed as DSI-HSRC interns:

  • Candidates who hold a Diploma at BELOW NQF level 7 as well as PhD at NQF level 10;
  • Candidates who would be registered full-time for study
  • Registered Doctoral (PhD, DPhil and DTech) students; and
  • Candidates who hold DSI-funded scholarships or bursaries during the internship year.
  • Candidates who are past beneficiaries of the DSI-NRF or DSI-HSRC Internship programme


The internship programme is offered for a period of 24 months. Successful applicants will be required to sign a contract for the duration of the internship.


The DSI-HSRC Internship will provide interns with a monthly salary depending on the level of qualification for the duration of the two-year period:

Bachelors: R 6 758 per month
Honours: R 7 478 per month
Masters: R 8 878  per month


Participating Host Institutions are located throughout the country and interested applicants should as far as possible apply for a position available in the province where they normally live.

Applicants are urged to consider the choice of province carefully as the cost of living away from home maybe high and place a burden on you.

Kindly note that the HSRC does not pay relocation costs to any appointed candidates who choose to relocate to another province.


Short listing and interview of applicants will be conducted by mentors from participating Host Institutions.

Applicants will be shortlisted and contacted by the specific Host institution to schedule interviews, using the personal email you have provided in the application.

Applicants are advised to check their emails regularly during the period 01 to 25 June 2023. After the Host Institution has selected their candidate, they will inform the DSI-HSRC Internship Programme office, and we will initiate the process of verification and contracting of recommended candidates through our internship online portal.


All applications must be submitted electronically on the DSI-HSRC Internship Online Management System.

Applicants must first register under the tab Create Intern Account and provide their personal details as required.

After registration, log in and go to My Profile menu and complete all the required information. Proceed to my applications menu and create an application by completing all the relevant sections following instructions provided.

You will be required to provide us with the following documents.
• Certified copies of certificates;
• Certified academic records that indicate the completion of the qualification or Letter of completion; and
• Certified copy of the South African ID or Passport

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Useful Links

How to apply for a learnership or an internship | Watch Video

DSI-Human Sciences Research Council: Internships 2023

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