Closing Date: | Thursday 10th of March 2022 |
Organization | Mopani TVET College |
Employment Type | Internship |
Province | Limpopo |
Town/City | Phalaborwa |
Ratings |
Details | Mopani TVET College invites applications for Internship Opportunities on the programmes listed below which seeks to capacitate unemployed youth with knowledge and skills that will enable them to be employable. The following Programmes are open for applications: Nated N6 Experential Training Programme Duration: 18 Months Contract Requirements: Passed N4, N5 and N6 certificate Fields of study:
NCV Level 4 Internship Programme Duration: 12 Months Contract Requirements: Passed NCV L4 (with 21 subjects) Fields of study:
Please note:
Conditions of appointment: Shortlisted candidates will be required to undergo a competency assessment or interviews.
How to ApplyApplications must include an Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of all qualifications and identity document.
Submit your applications to: The Principal, Mopani TVET College, Private Bag X 01024, Phalaborwa, 1390 or Hand-deliver at: Mopani TVET College, Cnr Combretum & Haarlem Street, Phalaborwa. |
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