Course: PGCE: FET [Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Further Education and Training

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Further Education and Training (FET) is to “cap” an undergraduate degree or an approved advanced diploma. The PGCE FET aims to develop graduates and diplomates as competent, professional teachers, committed to the enhancement of education in diverse high schools In addition, the programme aims to provide student teachers with the required knowledge, skills and values to mediate teaching and learning in two school related subjects in the field of Further Education and Training Bachelor’s degree, Diploma plus BTech or an Advanced Diploma and NSC qualification

Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree, Diploma plus BTech or an Advanced Diploma with the required school related subjects at the compulsory levels. • Candidates must have passed at least two school related subjects at second year degree level. • English (home language or first additional language) AND Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language). • Passed Computer literacy (completion date not older than 8 years). • Final admission into the programme may be subject to an admission interview.
Job Opportunities: High school teacher

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PGCE: FET [Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Further Education and Training

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